Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Sick OKC Homes

With the winter season upon us, many OKC homeowners are busy sealing up and insulating their homes for better energy efficiency and comfort. What you may not realize, however, is that sealing your home often leads to increased indoor air pollution. Is My Home Too Insulated? While you continue to weatherize your home, it is…

Furnace Winterization Checklist for Oklahoma City Winters

It’s already November, and before you know it, December will be here rearing its ugly, but merry head. If you haven’t already scheduled professional furnace and heating maintenance and begun preparing your home for winter, it’s not too late.   Although colder weather is quickly approaching, there is still time to go through this basic…

Bang, Rattle, Click: Scary Furnace Sounds & What They Mean

From creepy crawlies to exploding furnaces, basements, along with their furnaces and boilers, are a common trope used in horror stories. And for good reason! Nobody enjoys a dark descent into the basement, especially if there are scary sounds coming from the furnace. While some point to the attic or the shed as the scariest place in…

Carbon Monoxide Manifestations: A Real Life Ghost Story

Are you experiencing paranormal happenings in your home? Before you pack it in and move, read this true-life ghost story from 1921.   We heard this story on a recent Halloween-themed This American Life episode which opened with a real-life ghost story from the American Journal of Ophthalmology. It featured an account from a patient about…

How to Seal Air Leaks Around Doors & Windows | HVAC Tips

October is the perfect month to begin preparing your home for the colder months ahead. Before the holiday season takes over our lives, learn how to seal air leaks and take care of any energy suckers around your doors and windows. The time and money you spend on sealing your air leaks can be easily…

5 Heating Season Tips for an OKC Winter | Furnace Maintenance

It’s never too early to begin preparing for the coming winter season. Although the best way to get your furnace ready for the approaching heating season is to schedule a professional fall furnace tune-up, there are still plenty of things that you can do to supplement the professional diagnosis and cleaning.   5 Heating Season…

Gas Furnace Safety Tips for Fire Prevention Week

National Fire Prevention Week kicks off today with the theme, “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep.” The main message this year is to install smoke alarms in the appropriate areas and make sure they function properly. Visit NFPA’s “Smoke Alarm Central” for more information. In addition to installing and inspecting your smoke alarms, we are…

Hazards and Dangers of Natural Gas Furnaces | OKC HVAC

September is National Furnace Tune-Up Month, which is why we are focusing on getting your furnace fixed this month. Considering the fact that home heating is our most expensive energy cost for the year (around $1000), it’s well worth the effort to reduce this number. Schedule your annual furnace tune-up in the fall and watch…

National Furnace Tune-Up Month | OKC Heating Maintenance

If you can believe it, summer is almost officially over (first day of autumn “falls” on September 23rd). With the change of seasons comes a reminder to get your home ready for the cooler weather, which will be here before you know it.   September is National Furnace Tune-Up Month because you should always schedule…

Fall Home Maintenance To-Do List | OKC HVAC

Believe it or not, the first day of autumn is almost here (September 23rd). To get your home ready for the cooler weather ahead, we’ve come up with a list of 5 fall home maintenance tasks to complete while the weather’s still warm.   The most important thing you can do, however, is to schedule your…

HVAC Maintenance Checklist for Homeowners | OKC HVAC

When you call your professional HVAC company for your annual heating and cooling tune-up, they run through their own extensive HVAC maintenance checklist. Things like inspect your duct system, ventilation, wiring, and other complicated components of your system. It is recommended that you get your HVAC system professionally tuned-up twice a year — once in…

Back to School Lesson: How Air Conditioning Works

In the spirit of going back to school, here’s a lesson in the workings of your central air conditioning or HVAC system (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning). And kids, be grateful – even though summer vacation only started as a way to escape the heat, the school systems kept up the practice even after adopting…