How to Fix a Leaking Air Conditioner System | DIY HVAC

Blog August 20, 2015|ThriveAdmin Book Service Now No Overtime Charges, EVER! Leaking air conditioner systems are quite common and can be fixed with with a little DIY advice. Ignoring the problem however can cause serious problems that will require the services of a professional technician. There are three main reasons why your A/C might be…

How To Properly Inspect Your Air Ducts | Ductwork Diagnosis

Your HVAC system has been working hard all year. The more your system runs, the more dirt and dust can build up inside your ductwork. But before you go spending money on professional air duct cleaning, learn how to inspect your air ducts and determine if it’s necessary or not. Cleaning your duct system has many benefits…

Silent Home Invaders: Five Overlooked Indoor Air Pollutants

Radon, second-hand cigarette smoke, and carbon monoxide are commonly known air pollutants with seriously risky side effects. But, did you know the walls of your home could be contributing to the contamination of the air your family is breathing indoors?   5 Overlooked Sources of Poor Indoor Air Quality Here are five less obvious sources…

HVAC Terms and Definitions | A Short Glossary

If your air conditioner is nearing its end and you’re in the process of trying to find a replacement, it’s important to know the industry jargon. The more HVAC terms you know, the easier it will be to understand the different options available to you. These terms will help you decipher between the different types of…

What to Do if You Have a Frozen Evaporator Coil | A/C Tips

Blog July 20, 2015|ThriveAdmin Book Service Now No Overtime Charges, EVER! It must seem quite strange to see a frozen evaporator coil when it is over 90 degrees out. Indeed, it may seem like a good thing – a frozen coil means icy-cold conditioned air, right? Unfortunately, frozen evaporator coils are a big indication that…

Repair or Replace Air Conditioner? | Telltale Signs and Symptoms

  Repair or Replace Air Conditioner???? Whether to repair or replace an air conditioner can lead to a bunch of question marks. That is, unless it’s failed completely, then the decision should be an obvious yes. But having to make a decision under time constraints can lead to a lot of frustration, and you won’t…

How to Save Money on Your Air Conditioning Bill | HVAC Tips

As the summer temperatures continue to rise, so does your anxiety when it comes to air conditioning and electric bills. The easy solution for cooling off is cranking the A/C, but by following these simple guidelines you can be comfortable without having to break the bank. How to Save Money on Your Air Conditioning Bill Running…

How to Cut Air Conditioning Costs and Save Money | 8 Tips

Summer has officially begun! Are you ready for the rising air conditioning costs? With an increase in temperature comes an increase in your energy bill.   Learn how to cut your air conditioning costs this summer with these 8 energy-saving tips. 8 Ways to Cut Air Conditioning Costs Every month, you should be changing (or…