Earth Day: 4 Energy Efficient Cooling Tips
Save Money And Help Our Environment This Earth Day When it comes to protecting and preserving our earth, it’s easy to slip into the mindset that our individual actions have little to no impact. Adopting this thought process is dangerous because it discourages a person from so much as attempting to better their environment. This Earth Day,…
7 Tips for Reducing Seasonal Allergies
How to Power Through Seasonal Allergies Like a Pro Spring is in the air for Oklahoma City residents, signaling the arrival of seasonal allergies. Looming over the households of Oklahomans are the dreaded itchy throat and nasal congestion caused largely by pollen, as it tends to be the most pervasive allergy during spring. Trees, weeds and grasses…
6 Outdoor Spring Maintenance Tasks You Don’t Want to Skip
Outdoor Spring Maintenance is a Must! The spring season has graced us with its warm presence early this year. After the short winter we had, if one can even call it that, we’re looking forward to more pleasant days ahead, filled with sunshine and light breezes. We’ll certainly see our fair share of thunderstorms this…
National Poison Prevention Week | CO Poison Prevention
National Poison Prevention Week: Carbon Monoxide Facts You Need to Know March 19th marked the beginning of a very important yet often overlooked week: National Poison Prevention Week. In 2014, U.S. poison control centers answered nearly 2.2 million calls from people needing guidance on poison exposure. We most often associate poison with cleaning products…
3 Important Reasons to Schedule Your Spring HVAC Tune-Up
Welcome Spring with Open Arms by Scheduling Your HVAC Tune-Up! While the temperature outside might have you believing otherwise, spring isn’t here just yet. That’s right – we’re technically within the realm of winter still. Apart from the several bitter cold days and brief morsels of snow, Oklahoma City experienced a rather mild winter. However, come…
Eco-Friendly Tips | 4 Ways to Go Green This St. Patrick’s Day
Adopting an Eco-Friendly Mindset Goes a Long Way Kermit the Frog once famously lamented through song that it’s not easy being green. In the end, however, he decided that it was exactly what he wanted to be, because “[being green] can be important, like a mountain.” And he’s exactly right. Being green is important, particularly…
Attic Pest Control | 4 Things You Need to Know about Pests
Pest Control Prevention is a Must for Every Home. Your attic is a resort-style hotel for the wandering and neighborhood-dwelling critters. Packed with the perfect amount of insulation, warmth and depending on the critter, food, your attic serves as a safe haven. Two-by-two, creatures of all kinds enter your attic to survive their version of…
5 Reasons to Call Interstate When You Need HVAC Repair
Choose an HVAC Repair Company You Can Trust This winter has been unique in that you’re probably using your air conditioner more than your furnace. With temperatures reaching into the low 80s, you may solely be relying on your air conditioner to keep you comfortable right now. Should you take on any heating or cooling troubles…
Fight Poor Indoor Air Quality with a HEPA Vacuum
Switch to a HEPA Vacuum Cleaner In a desperate attempt to bolster indoor air quality, people may spend an entire day cleaning every crevice of their homes. When you do dismantle your home to give it a thorough cleaning, make sure you have the right equipment. Many store-bought cleaners contain harmful chemicals that, when used over time,…
Dust Mites Are Harming Your IAQ
Allergic to Dust Mites? Here’s What You Can Do Dust: we all know what it looks like, but do you know what it’s made of and why it keeps appearing no matter how often you clean? Most people think dust is human skin, and they’re partly right. However, dust is much more than that, and…
Gas Heater Vs. Electric Heater
Which Heating System is Best for Your Home? When it comes time to replace your heating system, you may be wondering: “What’s the best system for my home – gas heater or electric heater?” A heating system is a costly investment, however, if properly maintained, it should last you for at least 10 years…
Home Heating Safety Tips
Ensure Peace of Mind & Warmth with These Heating Safety Tips While the weather hasn’t been particularly abrasive these past few weeks, we’re still experiencing low temperatures at night. Whether you’re enjoying the cooler temperatures or are counting the days until summer, we hope that you’re keeping warm! Thanks to technology, we’re now able to keep…