Reasons Why Your Home is Always Dusty

Reasons Why Your Home is Always Dusty

Maybe you’ve just dusted your home yesterday or the day before and it’s still incredibly dusty. You do a quick wipe down of your furniture before you leave for work and come back home only to find the dust resettled on the pieces you just dusted. It’s a frustrating battle you’ve been fighting for a while and you know you’re a clean person. So, why is your home always dusty?

A major reason your home is dusty all the time may have nothing to do with you but with your HVAC system. Something as simple as replacing your air filters or tweaking your thermostat could get rid of your dust situation and leave your home dust-free. Check out these reasons why your home is always dusty and tips on how to fix it!

In addition to dirty air filters, other things can cause dust buildup in your house:

  • Pets – Both cats and dogs shed fur and skin flakes that will contribute higher levels of dust in a home.
  • Textiles – Carpet, curtains and rugs are magnets for dust. Regularly cleaning, vacuuming and laundering will help control the dust levels.
  • Leaky Ducts – If there are cracks or holes in the ductwork, dust could be drawn in from the attic or outdoors and circulated throughout the home.

Clean Your Air Filters & Make Sure You Have the Right Ones Installed

Bad air filters have a MERV (Media Efficiency Rating Value) rating less than 8. These inefficient air filters are not able to filter out smaller indoor pollutants like mold spores and pollen. We recommend that you check your air filter every month. Doing so will allow you to keep an eye on the filter and change it as needed. This will also make sure that your air filter is picking up more dust before it gets inside your home and prevent your AC from overworking itself. So, you’ll save money in the long run if you get the right kind of air filter and you change it regularly.

Adjust Your Thermostat

Your AC unit actually helps you dust your home with an easy thermostat trick: switching your thermostat’s fan setting from “Auto” to “On” while you dust.

In the “On” position, your AC’s blower circulates air constantly throughout your home (even when your home does not need cooling). So, when you dust your home, those airborne dust particles will get sucked up through the system’s return vent and removed through the air filters.

When you are done dusting, turn your thermostat back to “Auto” so that the AC’s blower doesn’t run continuously. That way, you won’t waste a ton of energy and increase your home’s humidity level.

You Have Leaky Ducts

According to, about 20 to 30 percent of a typical home’s duct system is leaky. And, because air ducts are located in naturally dirty places (attics, behind walls), duct leaks will suck in dust and cause your AC to blow dust all throughout your home.

To prevent dust being blown into your home, you should hire one of our HVAC professionals here at Interstate Heat & Air. When we find the leak, we will seal it with mastic or special types of duct tape so that unconditioned air can’t enter or leave the duct.

If your home is constantly dusty, it’s usually an easy fix. If you’ve checked your air filters and adjusted your thermostat and there are still issues going on, call Interstate Heat & Air today at 405-794-8900. We can diagnose the problem and get your home back to its dust-free state! Our professionals are licensed and certified and will get the job done right. Call today!

For information or assistance with HVAC efficiency, give Interstate Heating & Air Conditioning a call at 405-794-8900.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to learn more about maintaining a safe and energy-efficient home. Should heating, cooling or indoor air quality troubles arise, don’t hesitate to call us or schedule service online.

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