Silent Home Invaders: Five Overlooked Indoor Air Pollutants

Radon, second-hand cigarette smoke, and carbon monoxide are commonly known air pollutants with seriously risky side effects. But, did you know the walls of your home could be contributing to the contamination of the air your family is breathing indoors?


5 Overlooked Sources of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Here are five less obvious sources of indoor air problems and how to fix them:


Lead paint hasn’t been used in homes in the U.S. for over 30 years now, but it can still be found in older homes. Even if the paint is not lead based, paints and paint strippers emit harmful gases that can cause physical discomfort if ingested or breathed deeply.

Modern paints have their own issues due to their release of high VOCs (volatile organic compounds). VOCs are linked to health risks including cancer, kidney and liver damage.


Be sure to purchase a paint brand with low or zero amounts of VOC. While you or a company you have hired are performing a paint job, have all windows open to air out all lurking gases. Whenever possible, complete all paint projects outdoors and with a face mask.

Clear here for a guide to low-and-zero-VOC paints.


New carpet can be a chemical culprit. Newly installed carpet, padding, and adhesive can emit potentially harmful gases causing headaches and discomfort in the eyes and throat. If you are having carpet installed in your home, be cautious.

You may consider asking the carpet company to air out your carpet prior to entering the home, or at the least, be sure to air out your home following the installation. Consider wood or laminate flooring if you or a family member has a history of asthma or sensitive allergies. Wood floors are preferred for those with indoor air problems as carpet can release harmful VOCs.



Nonstick cookware does have its downside. When used to cook at high temperatures Teflon will emit dangerous fumes. Be careful not to heat at 500 degrees or above. We suggest going for stainless steel or cast iron kitchen materials to minimize your exposure to any toxicity.

The Kitchen Stove

It isn’t just Teflon either, but also the kitchen stove! Be wary of gases in the kitchen area as poorly installed and vented stoves will release carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in varying levels. Your family could experience health concerns ranging from nausea to death. Gas stoves have been linked to asthma in children who are exposed to its fumes.


Arts & Craft Materials

There’s a reason why some states ask for your identification in order to purchase glue. Glue, adhesives, markers, gel glitters and other crafts materials contain and release fumes.

When your children are using these materials it is healthier to pursue the arts outdoors. Breathing these materials can cause headaches and discomfort in the eyes, nose, and throat. Protect your children while they’re at play. Chemicals should never keep your family from creativity!

What is the solution to harmful indoor air pollutants?

  • Make different decisions with your consumer purchases. Look for products with low, or no VOCs, and GREENGUARD and Green Seals.
  • Reduce your dependence on chemical cleaners, especially those with strong scents.
  • Painting, paint stripping, sanding, gluing, polishing, and other activities should be done outside if possible. Otherwise, make sure there is plenty of ventilation and always wear a face mask.
  • For safety’s sake, have several smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed throughout your home. Click here for the best areas to install these essential home safety devices.
  • Schedule an indoor air quality and ventilation consultation with a professional!

If you want more information on indoor air quality, contact Interstate today to get back on the Road to Comfort!

Call today for an in-home IAQ evaluation: (405) 794-8900

We offer professional indoor air quality diagnoses and solutions. If you suspect dangerous indoor air pollutants in your home, such as gas or carbon monoxide, or are experiencing excessive exposure to harmful fumes, get out the house immediately and contact 911 to request an ambulance and the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.

Breathe easier with indoor air quality solutions from Interstate Heating & Air Conditioning! Healthy air should be expected. We can help.

Give us a call today: (405) 912-5900

For more information on maintaining a healthy and energy-efficient home, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

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